We offer a full spectrum of green finance, sustainability strategies and ESG advisory services, which involve ESG compliance and due diligence services covering local and international reporting standards, ESG enhancement services covering global sustainability initiatives, as well as green finance consultancy services from planning, execution to completion. Through our services, we aim to not only focus on compliance but also enhancement towards designated ESG targets, so as to reveal the true value of our clients' businesses and deliver sustainable value to their stakeholders.
ESG Compliance & ESG Due Diligence Services
HKEX has introduced new ESG reporting requirements, which emphasize the importance of the board of directors in taking leadership for and accountability in ESG policy and its implementation, even at pre-IPO stage. In addition, HKEX has strengthened the requirements on ESG reporting.
ESG Enhancement Services
Investors' awareness of ESG has been increasing. They are looking at ESG investments, as ESG indices outperform traditional peers, and government policies have been guiding sovereign or pension funds to invest in ESG.
Green Finance Consultancy Services
Driven by global policy makers and increasing global sustainability concerns amid COVID-19, green finance market is blooming, and bankers and investors have a stronger incentive to employ its funding to green projects and green building developments.
Our portfolio covers many different industries, such as:
- Property
- Manufacturing
- Financial Services
- Agriculture
- Construction
- Solution Provider
- Food & Beverage
- Supply Chain
- Travel Agency
- Pharmaceutical Industry
- Retail
- Oil Production
Read this brochure to learn more.